Recipes your family will love!

Mushroom Chicken

Chicken breast in a mushroom sauce for dinner
Prep Time 1 hour
Cook Time 1 hour
Course Main Course
Servings 3


  • Free range chicken breasts if available
  • Portobello mushrooms
  • Dried golden chanterelle mushrooms or other similar mushroom
  • Whipping cream
  • 1 Lemon
  • Cloves of garlic
  • Butter
  • Olive oil
  • 1 Star Anise
  • White wine Fruity works best
  • Rosemary
  • Sugar or maple syrup
  • Potatoes, sweet potatoes or carrots
  • Chicken stock
  • Kikkoman soya sauce


  • In a plastic bag for freezing I marinated the chicken breast in some lemon juice, a crushed clove of garlic and some fresh rosemary and a splash of salt and pepper. I left it for a few hours but not in the fridge as I wanted them to have room temperature.
  • Soak the golden dried chanterelles I soaked in warm water for the same time.
  • Open a bottle of fruity white wine, have a sip just to make sure it was ok and left it for future use.
  • About 30 minutes before serving dice Portobello mushrooms into pieces the size of my thumb, then fried them a bit in a dry frying pan to get rid of the moisture in them and to enhance their flavor then removed them.
  • Take the golden chanterelles out of the water to dry them and left the water for further use.
  • Dice the leeks into thumb size pieces and boil them in a pot with just a small amount of water and a nice lump of butter.The water will evaporate and the butter will then give them a nice glaze. Keep the heat low.
  • In the frying pan dump in a good lump of butter and fry the chicken breasts to give them a good roasted color. Remove to a plate and keep warm.
  • Into the frying pan came the mushrooms. Give them a very gentle fry before adding a generous splash of white wine. I left it to simmer gently until it was reduced then added the water from the mushrooms and a good amount of whipping cream.
  • Add a splash of maple syrup and some kikkoman soya and a bit of chicken stock, If you don’t have just use a cube of what you find in the supermarket. Leave it to simmer shortly and then added the chicken breast.
  • Here comes the important part – do not let it boil! but just let it simmer very gently for about ten minutes. Out goes the chicken breast, leave them on a plate for about five minutes to make them gather moisture under tin foil.
  • Now it’s time for the sauce to be heated up and get together. Let it boil for a few minutes and turn off the heat. Season with salt and pepper and it’s ready to be served.
  • Preferably on a big plate, arrange the chicken breast with a cover of sauce and the leeks.
Keyword Chicken, Mushrooms